At the end of September every year, it is time to "O'zapft is", and head off to the
Wiesn! This poses a challenge every year for the Heide family, hosts of the
traditional Festhalle Bräurosl. With 6,200 indoor and 2,200 outdoor seats, all of
their guests want to fully enjoy the extraordinary atmosphere - and in any weather.
In the outdoor area in particular, autumn temperatures can be rather uncomfortable.
To ensure that this does not impede the enjoyment of their guests, the hosts at the
Bräurosl needed an efficient heating solution, to provide reliable, cosy warmth
across the entire guest area on the terrace.
As most German cities prohibit the use of gas-bottle heating in gardens,
ETHERMASOLAMAGIC® infrared heaters were the ideal solution here. These do
not warm the surrounding air, but have a direct effect. Heat is generated
immediately once the infrared radiation reaches the human body. 20 SOLAMAGIC®
infrared heaters were installed in the outdoor area of the pavilion, fitting
perfectly into the scenery and providing fast, targeted heat. This increased the
length of visitor stays, and thus helped increase sales.